Tenk at jeg har fått en award - ble så glad og rørt!! Tusen, tusen takk Lena Katrine!!
These are the rules for the award is:
- Put a link on you blog from whom you got it
- Give it to 5 new blogs (which in their turn have to give it to 5 new blogs)
- Put a link on your blog to those you give it to
- Give the blogs you give the award to a note that you have given them this award
- Write 5 things you are addicted to
I'll pass this on to the following blogger's which I love to visit (they make the most amazing cards):
Jorunn, Camilla, Marianne, Nina, Kristine
I'm addicted to: My computer, internett, Pepsi-max, cardmaking, my family.
Thank you for visiting my blog!!
2 kommentarer:
Tuuusen takk Bente;)
Og takk for søt kommentar på bloggen min!
Ha en fin kveld!
Klem fra Kristine
Ååå så hyggelig!! Gratulerer med awarden, og veldig glad for at du ville gi en til meg!! Tusen takk!!
Og så flotte ord du la igjen, blir nesten litt flau;)
Ha en super uke!
Klem, Camilla.
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